28 Apr

more spam

content of a spam e-mail received, wonder what dictionaries the random word generators might be using …

Making Love – Bringing the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects of a Relationship
Which beauty has been presented in all past generations. And hot breath,
said these words. Dhritarashtra newsletter to hear about new ebooks. Ebooks
posted and drank freely of punch. Well, said the colonel, day, about nine
in the morning, as louis xi. Was nevertheless it brought to joseph the
experiences the fruit of that knowledge which is theirs, in pole, churned
the waters of the ocean and obtained.

18 Apr

words and walks

this is my tomorrow
here i am blinded by focus
too close to see
sudden moments of sunshine
reach out to say thank you
still unsure what matters
and more i can’t see,
seen myself on the edge
of the faces of this world
and felt this rain drop
on my face mixing with
the river inside
and words and spinning
keep myself walking
yet to see
all that the wind got here
was bits of it,
being blown to dust